Monday 26 March 2018

Magufuli's Easter greetings to church critics

The spokesperson for Tanzanian President John Magufuli says the government has nothing to say in response to strong criticism of Mr Magufuli's leadership by the country's bishops.

A tweet (in Kiswahili) said that the only thing they will say is to wish all Christians a Happy Easter.

The church leaders had warned that Tanzania's unity and peace are under threat.

A statement from the influential Conference of Lutheran Bishops criticised the government - condemning recent kidnappings, attacks on political leaders and the use of violence to break up opposition protests.

The government has closed down critical media outlets in recent months. The bishops warned that freedom of expression was under threat.

In December, the government said it would take action against religious organisations that interfered in politics.

Mr Magufuli took office in 2015 with a tough anti-corruption stance, but his detractors say his authoritarian leadership style amounts to a clamp-down on opposition and freedom of expression.

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